Author Archives for Debbie Wibowo

What ESG Can – and Can’t – Do

September 8, 2022 12:23 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

After a decade of increasing acceptance, the Environmental, Social and Governance movement has faced a political backlash of late, particularly against the “E” goals around the climate crisis. In this article, Matthew Illian, Director of Responsible Investing, provides an insight into how this event can be an opportunity for investors to gain greater clarity on ESG’s role in responsible investing and an understanding of what it can – and can’t – do.

Q2 2022 Town Hall Recording

August 10, 2022 3:03 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The UCF staff and investment team shared a review of UCF’s investment performance, organizational updates and the latest in our responsible investing efforts for the second quarter of 2022. Access the Town Hall recording, presentation slides and poll results!

Fiduciary Focus: Staying the Course

July 14, 2022 11:55 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Matt Wagner, Vice President, Institutional Relationships, has prepared a fiduciary focus article that discusses the importance of maintaining a long-term focus on investment strategies, even during challenging and uncertain times. Read the article.