Special announcement

UCF has prepared an infographic that highlights our efforts to achieve racial equity and maintain diversity across the organization.

Who We Are


Assets under management
From small reserve accounts to one of the denomination’s historic endowments


Clients we serve
Helping local churches and faith-based organizations achieve their missions


Years of responsible asset management
Non-profit, values-aligned and committed to improving the world


Professionally-managed investment funds
Well-diversified and socially responsible investment funds that span the spectrum of risk and return

Investment Funds

Our family of fund options provide churches and ministries with a diverse range of investment opportunities for spending and long-term growth.
Managed Funds
Create a custom portfolio from our selection of actively managed investment funds.
Funds of Funds
View our combination of managed funds designed with varying asset allocation strategies.
Net Assets Values
Get daily updates on how your investments are performing.
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Values-Aligned Investing

We provide our clients with Responsible Investments (RI) that align with their values and work toward meaningful, permanent change.
What We Invest In
Explore our commitment to providing socially responsible investments that make a positive impact.
What We Do Not Invest In
Learn more about our exclusionary screening process and its influence on our investment strategies.
What We Vote For
Discover how our Proxy Voting Guidelines help companies operate more responsibly and sustainably.
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Planned Giving

We provide the resources and marketing tools to help UCC churches and ministries integrate planned giving into their existing endowment program.
Aligning Your Goals
Explore ways to support your ministry and meet its financial goals.
Supporting Your Initiatives
Discover the resources UCF provides to promote your planned giving initiatives.
Giving You Options
See what planned giving options a donor can make to your church or ministry.
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Success Stories

Our Clients

UCF’s responsible investing strategy and screening processes match our values. In addition, UCF’s steady, consistent investment return helps us meet our financial goals and fund our ministries. Having the trust and the faith that our money is invested responsibly and giving us a return to enable us to do our work is crucial. UCF works very hard to make it possible for us to do both.
What sets UCF apart from other managers are UCF’s diversified investment strategy, active monitoring of its investment managers and willingness to change investment partners if need be.
UCF's mission to help churches and organizations build wealth for their missions came through loud and clear. UCF welcomed our initial investment and understood our goal to grow and create a stable endowment strategically and responsibly.
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News and resources

Discover What’s New

The Impact of Legacy Giving: Richard and Helen Brown Endowment for Pastoral Leadership

UCF has been the steward of what is now known as the Richard and Helen Brown Endowment for Pastoral Leadership. In its 30th anniversary, UCF examines how the Browns’ legacy gift has made a lasting and continuing impact on the training and nurturing of ministerial leadership in the United Church of Christ and beyond.

UCF Stands Firm in Fighting Plastic Pollution

UCF has filed a shareholder resolution – in collaboration with As You Sow – urging ExxonMobil to confront its role in the production of single-use plastics. This resolution resulted in a lawsuit attack launched by ExxonMobil to silence shareholder voices. Click to read more.

UCF’s Commitment to Racial Justice

UCF reflects on the fight for racial equity and shares on the progress on maintaining diversity across the organization. Click to view and download the infographic.