Author Archives for Debbie Wibowo

Meet One of UCF’s Portfolio Managers: Channing Capital

February 19, 2021 2:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

UCF recently appointed Channing Capital, a minority-owned firm, as a Small Cap Fund Manager. Stacey Pettice, UCF Executive of Institutional Relationships, sat down with Wendell Mackey, Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, to discuss Channing Capital's investment strategies and his view on responsible investing.

Q4-2020 Town Hall Meeting Recording

February 3, 2021 3:33 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

UCF hosted a quarterly Town Hall meeting on February 2, 2021 to provide updates on 2020 investment returns, investment strategies for 2021 and beyond, and updates on responsible investing efforts. The recording and presentation are now ready for viewing and download.

UCF Strengthens Commitment to Racial Equity

January 11, 2021 8:55 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As a responsible investor, UCF is committed to strengthening our efforts and taking concrete steps toward racial justice and equality. UCF will continue to work with our partners and on behalf of our clients to ensure that their investments make a positive impact on people’s lives, communities and the world. Read more on concrete steps UCF has taken toward racial justice and equality.