Does Gender Matter to Your Portfolio?

International Women’s Day falls on March 8. United Church Funds encourages you to think about investing and growing your assets with a gender lens.

Q4 2019 Review

Stacey Pettice, Executive for Institutional Relationships, and Minoti Dhanaraj, Senior Investment Analyst discussed the strong performance of UCF funds in 2019, an overview of the last decade, as well as recent and upcoming events that might affect global markets. 

Investment Commentaries on the Recent Market Selloff

David Klassen, Chief Investment Strategist, provides commentaries on the recent market selloff.

January 2020 Market Review

This article summarizes the markets and our funds’ performance for the month of January 2020, provided by our Chief Investment Strategist David A. Klassen.

December 2019 Market Review

This article summarizes the markets and our funds’ performance for the month of December 2019, provided by our Chief Investment Strategist David A. Klassen.

November 2019 Market Review

This article summarizes the markets and our funds’ performance for the month of November 2019, provided by our Chief Investment Strategist David A. Klassen.

October 2019 Market Review

This article summarizes the markets and our funds’ performance for the month of October 2019, provided by our Chief Investment Strategist David A. Klassen.

Meet UCF’s Investment Manager: Baillie Gifford

UCF recently sat down with Iain Campbell, Investment Manager at Baillie Gifford. In this short video, Iain Campbell shared what Baillie Gifford does for UCF clients, what sets Baillie Gifford apart from other investment managers, and the latest environmental, social and governance developments at Baillie Gifford. 

Matt Wagner Earns Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst Designation

Matthew W. Wagner, Director of Institutional Relationships at UCF, has earned the Accredited Investment Fiduciary Analyst designation from the Center for Fiduciary Studies, the standards-setting body for Fi360.

Principles for Responsible Investment Conference Highlights

UCF attended the PRI in Person event last September. As a signatory, UCF commits to incorporating ESG issues into our investment policy, analysis and decision-making. Learn more about what happened during the PRI in Person in this article.