Protest and Divestment: United Church Funds Reaffirms Commitment to Peace
Amid the protests on college campuses nationwide around the ongoing and tragic situation in Israel and Gaza have come calls for divestment in Israel, UCF wants to share our response to these calls and how we approach divestment as a tool of responsible investing.
HCA Hospital AGM Statement (Proposal #5)
UCF recently submitted a proposal to HCA shareholder, calling HCA’s Board of Directors to issue a public report detailing any known and potential risks to the Company posed by state laws that severely restrict abortions in the case of medical emergencies. Click to read the statement.
March 2024 Market Review
This article summarizes the markets and our funds’ performance for the month of March 2024, provided by our Chief Investment Strategist David A. Klassen.
The War on Plastic
UCF is stepping up its efforts to address the environmental repercussions of single-use plastics. With a leading shareholder advocacy group, As You Sow, UCF has co-filed shareholder resolutions with ExxonMobil and Westlake. Read more!
Earth Day: An Interview with PGIM Quantitative
Stacie Mintz, PGIM Quantitative Managing Director and Head of Quantitative Equity, discusses BFF strategies, integrating climate justice work into investment strategies, and measures for mitigating climate-related risks to investment portfolios and long-term returns. Click to watch the video.
Evolving Beyond Divesting
This article discusses the evolvement of UCF Beyond Fossil Fuels Funds and market performance that consistently outperform their benchmarks and peer groups, proving false the perception that responsible climate strategies harm investment performance and returns. Click to read more.
February 2024 Market Review
This article summarizes the markets and our funds’ performance for the month of February 2024, provided by our Chief Investment Strategist David A. Klassen.
United Church Funds Stands Firm in Commitment to Climate Justice
Two recent events illustrate the challenges that climate justice advocates like UCF face in the transition to a low carbon, net zero future. As stewards of our clients’ assets, UCF intends to stand firm in commitment to climate justice and remain proactive in our approach to responsible investing. Click to read more.
UCF Board Chair Reflects on Women’s History Month
In celebration of Women’s History Month, UCF’s Board Chair, Rev. Penny Lowes, reflects on her journey, facing obstacles from her family to rising as a woman minister and leader. Click to read more.
January 2024 Market Review
This article summarizes the markets and our funds’ performance for the month of January 2024, provided by our Chief Investment Strategist David A. Klassen.